A Spark of Inspiration

A Spark of Inspiration

Lori had dreams about starting a business, but like most of us, she doubted herself and wasn't sure where to start. Shan saw Lori's light and sparked a fire of confidence in Lori to get her started. Shan was the person who said "You can do it" 

If we are lucky enough, we get the chance to meet a handful of exceptionally inspiring people in our lifetime. I have the privilege of writing today about two women who have inspired me. One of these women is Shan, and the other woman is Lori. I was blessed to meet Shan shortly before she passed away. I work with Lori and am fortunate to be able to call her my friend. This is a story about small acts of kindness and how they can lead to inspiration.

First, I would like to introduce Shan. I only had one conversation with her, but through that brief conversation, she changed my life. She was an amazing person. Shan did not require the center of attention, she had a quiet way about her that was so powerful. I could immediately see how amazing she was. Shan

When I met Shan she had already been diagnosed with breast cancer. She never once complained and in spite of it all, joy radiated in her eyes. There was no fear of what was to come. She was so positive, confident, and sure about her final destination to heaven. She radiated kindness, joy, and light. It's amazing how much she impacted me in the hour or so I spent talking with her. That's all it took for one person to change my life. I was introduced to Shan through Lori, Shan was a dear friend of hers. Lori and I work together and Shan stopped by to visit with her. After Shan passed, Lori shared her story of how Shan impacted her life. 

Lori had dreams about starting a business, but like most of us, she doubted herself and wasn't sure where to start. Shan saw Lori's light and sparked a fire of confidence in Lori to get her started. Shan was the person who said "You can do it" She talked through the "what ifs" and was not afraid to tell her if she thought something wasn't going to work. Sometimes when you are the person with the big dreams and ideas, it's hard to hear those things. When it comes from a place of love, it can make our ideas better. For me, criticism is sometimes difficult to hear, but when I take the time to reflect, I can take a moment to think about it.

Shan not only encouraged Lori, she went the next step further and said "This is how I am going to help you." For so many of us starting, it's in those beginning days when we feel all alone and are unsure of which direction to turn. How amazing it is to have someone full of support. Lori never had to ask, Shan offered. Shan was the person who always put others' needs before her own, but she also listened and paid attention to her friends, she anticipated their needs. 

Lori has a background in graphic design and is extremely talented with her design work. At the time, Shan worked at Liquidators Plus in Waupaca, WI, and printed shirts for them. Shan encouraged Lori to design Waupaca and Chain O' Lakes apparel, and Shan would print them. Shan would work her regular work shift, when she was done, she would work on Lori's clothing. Sometimes until one in the morning. After the printing was done, she would box it up and drop it off at Lori's house so she had one less thing to worry about. It brought Shan joy just to help a friend. 

These acts of kindness and selflessness transpired into Lori's first steps to building Chain Link in Waupaca, WI. Lori has built a beautiful business with Shan's help. Lori pays the kindness forward each day by inspiring others. Lori had visitors and friends sign the outside of her building to leave their permanent mark on the world. Chain Link was such a success, that she was able to build a second business called 81 Market, also in Waupaca, WI. 81 Market Waupaca Wisconsin

Through both businesses, Lori donates free Bibles to people who need God's word. She has a prayer box where people can leave prayer requests for themselves or someone they know. Each day Lori and her staff take the time and pray for these people. They have prayed together with people who have cancer or have recently lost a loved one. All it takes is a small spark to change someone's life. Lori and her staff may never hear back from these people, but I know her impact reaches far beyond. 

At 81 Market, Lori offers home goods such as candles, soaps, artwork, and more. She has personalized products that feature local Chain O' Lakes artwork, beautiful and unique signage, and carefully curated women's clothing in all sizes that make all women feel beautiful in their skin. 81 Market features specialty and gourmet foods. Lori is open to listening to what her customers suggest. She has an amazing talent for making her staff and customers feel heard, and make them feel special every time they walk through the door.

 81 Market home goods Waupaca, Wisconsin

Lori also provides a bar where you can enjoy a drink while shopping, or relax on the deck in the summer. Lori has created a homey space for people to not only shop but feel accepted for who they are. It's a rare gift for someone to create a space for others to get inspired and believe in one another. "It's more than just selling goods, "it's about the experience." says Lori, "We pray over the welcome mat at the beginning of the season and always pray people are happier after they visit with us." Lori has recently published a book she wrote for her son when he was little. The book was illustrated by a local artist. 

81 Market Photo Collage Waupaca, Wisconsin

I am truly blessed to be one of the lucky people to have been inspired by Lori. She is an encourager, a friend, and a beautiful soul. 

I hope to take what Shan and Lori have passed on and use it to inspire others. These two women have created a beautiful legacy and light that needs to be passed on to others. Shan lives on in the people she inspired and loved. The impact she made in people's lives is immeasurable. 

Shan was such a light and Lori continues to be a light to those around her. I hope this story inspires you to support someone else's dream and be a light in someone's life. Please pass this story on for others to be inspired. We all need someone to lean on. 

 I hope you get a chance to Visit 81 Market yet this holiday season, Lori is open until Christmas Thursday-Sunday. Say hi to Lori, and tell her I sent you, you won't regret it!

Shan Moran an true inspiration Waupaca, Wisconsin


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